Friday, August 28, 2009

One week down.... 35 to go!!

Whew....We have finally finished the first week of school. Although there were only five days, it seemed like it went on and on forever. I have really neat classes this year and I am excited to see what we accomplish in the next 175 days. In my Speech class we are creating blogs, thus the reason I am creating one. The students are going to document the activities that are going on here at SHS and other events in their lives as well as breaking news around the World. Hopefully this will provide the students with a journal that will carry on for many years. At the end of the year we are going to print them out so they will have a souvenir from their 10th grade year. I think/hope it will be a neat assignment; wouldn't you love to be able to look back and relive some of your high school memories, or maybe delete some : )! I encourage everyone to check back on us and comment as you wish. We are having a contest to see who can lure in the most followers. I am sure the kids will beat me by a million.... but I am going to try to give them a run for their $!